
Hello December!!! This month my SEL(social emotional learning) lesson will focus on adding coping skills to our imaginary tool box! We all need these skills to help us manage our big emotions, our frustrations and anxieties. I will be reading books and doing activities that promote learning new ways  to manage our feelings. I want them to know it's ok to be angry, frustrated, sad or overwhelmed, but figure out ways to handle those situations without throwing a fit, being mean to others or letting it ruin their day. 

The best way to help your students at home understand coping skills is by modeling the behavior for them. When frustrated, angry or having a bad day, show them it’s okay to have those feelings and teach them how to react. I always tell the students that everyday they are learning new coping skills (breathing, counting, journaling or talking to a friend or family member) and they are adding those tools to their toolbox. 

 Researchers have found that children who are able to use coping skills and regulate their emotions are more likely to go to college, have a steady job as an adult and less likely to use substances or be engaged in criminal activity.

Tips to prevent holiday stress and depression

  • Acknowledge your feelings. ...
  • Do something you enjoy...
  • Be realistic. ...
  • Stick to a budget. ...
  • Plan ahead...
  • Learn to say no. ...
  • Don't abandon healthy habits.
  • Set aside time for yourself and practice self-care