Youth Entrepreneur Showcase

6th Grade Team: 
The Wandery - Jacob Harbin & Cole Felts 
for advancing to the TOP 25 in the State!

Youth Entrepreneur Showcase 
(Y.E.S.) 5th-8th Grade Business Plan Competition
Congratulations to the 2018 Y.E.S. for Arkansas Top 25 Finalists!
The Wandery, Cutter Morning Star School, Hot Springs

Summary of Business:\r\nImagine being in the woods and a wild boar is running towards you! Do you run and hide or pull out "The Wandery?" Of course, you take out "The Wandery" and run towards the wild boar; scaring him away!


They will be having a booth and selling their product at the Y.E.S. for Arkansas Expo Day, January 26,2018 at Park Plaza Mall in Little Rock!


Don't forget to mark you calendar and be supporting this CMS Business Team on Friday, January 26, 2018 at the Park Plaza Mall in Little Rock, AR.